About covid and non-covid pneumonia.

About covid and non-covid pneumonia.
About covid and non-covid pneumonia.

1. As soon as Russia degenerates, then covid will degenerate, according to the political decision and the project of the Hegemon's tandem with China. The hegemon and China are the main carriers of the Hell of The same thing - the greens, and, as it were, they did not quarrel with each other. They are engaged in a dollar.

2. according to Wikipedia and powerful scientific discussions, covid is still a type of acute respiratory infection, although it is severe.

3. Russia's decision on covid will depend on the exchange rate of oil and the dollar. Russia has not decided how to respond to covid, but it does not forget that self - isolation is a good way to deal with socio-economic tensions that may arise.

4. there are also specific pragmatic business plans with covid related to investing in the vaccine and beating back profits.

5. for correctness, information about the problem of coronavirus should be given in comparison with the death rate from non-covid pneumonia in Tatarstan, which personally scares me more than covid pneumonia , since I lost many relatives and friends due to non-covid pneumonia.

This request was made many times in my comments and at the Federal level. But, alas, no reaction. Deaths from non-specific pneumonia and SARS are not reported in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. There are political reasons for this ignorance and disregard.

6. I can't Even imagine what would happen to the world if death rates for other diseases were also regularly announced, which are tens, hundreds, thousands of times higher than this controversial covid, thanks to which most asymptomatic patients and leaders of some countries leave for treatment even with some fervor and ulterior motives. Trump was pleased with this enthusiasm, as in the past Mishustin.

7. Protect yourself from heart failure and non-specific pneumonia, as well as deadly SARS.

8. the World has been intimidated by a giant army of covid-infected people who do not suffer in any way. Trump was fine , but a routine check revealed that he had covid. All these tricks are connected on the one hand with a large diagnostic error on covid , reaching up to 70 percent, and on the other, with hidden political and economic motives.

( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war:
https://psyfactor.org/lib/garifullin82.htm )

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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