The Belgian doctors recounted the conclusions of the monograph, which I published in the monograph in the spring.

The Belgian doctors recounted the conclusions of the monograph, which I published in the monograph in the spring.
500 Belgian doctors are calling for the abolition of vaccination and quarantine measures, which are not only useless, but also dangerous.
COVID-19 is just a disease that responds well to treatment, with a mortality rate comparable to seasonal flu, according to Belgian doctors. There is no emergency, it exists only in the minds of politicians, frightened by experts that no one knows about. Quarantine measures may kill more people than the virus itself; the vaccine will obviously be useless, since similar flu drugs are not effective, and a hasty vaccination will also be dangerous.

I read a great letter from the Belgian of doctors.
In essence, this is a retelling of my scientific monograph, published by me in the spring. Of course, this is not plagiarism. And I'm not making any complaints. I am glad that these Belgian doctors have matured and made the same conclusions that I made in the spring.

I am grateful for the support of my monograph by such media as Echo of Moscow, Psi-factor, Arguments of The week, etc. It was a lot of work. And in may, this monograph of mine was published . Let the Belgian doctors did it late and there is no novelty in this letter. The world is coming to the truth!
( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war: )

associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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