China's methods of unfair global competition in the food industry?

China's methods of unfair global competition in the food industry?
The media reports that experts from the Chinese center for disease control and prevention found the live COVID-19 virus on the packaging of frozen seafood for the first time in the world.
Experts extracted a live virus from a sample taken from the outer packaging of imported chilled cod as they studied the causes of new cases of coronavirus infection in Qingdao.
The Chinese claim that this is the first case in the world of extracting a live virus from a positive sample taken from the packaging of frozen products, in addition, it confirmed that contact with a live virus on the packaging can lead to infection. Here are my thoughts on this.
1. apparently, preparations are underway for the scientific justification of new tools and techniques of unfair economic competition in the global food industry.
2. but the fact that Chinese scientists are conducting research that makes it possible to isolate the covid virus from a positive sample is an advance.
3. our scientists, alas, are mostly hooked only on PMR, which has a large margin of error and there is practically no work on direct identification of the covid virus. By the way, according to the analysis of published scientific publications, it is not always possible to identify covid in an electron microscope.
4. it must be recognized that most of the semi-scientific and incorrect conclusions about covid and morbidity, in the world and in Russia, are made on the basis of only cheap statistical and correlation methods that many scientists are passionate about.

( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war: )

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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