About dilettantism among scientists dealing with the problem of coronavirus.

About dilettantism among scientists dealing with the problem of coronavirus.
There is such an informative tool as review Analytics. He was engaged in Biophysics for a long time. Currently, I talked with virologists and many of them do not know the mechanisms of PCR, but I studied it. Moreover, in my dissertation I used the method of electron microscopy and know the methods of scientific research. Identification of the coronavirus by electron microscopy is one of the problems. You need to know , sometimes, the concepts of natural science to see the bluff in science. Well, as for the philosophy and psychology of bluff, my first monograph was published in 1995. There is a section called "Bluff in science". Now is the time when universality in science is required and new things are born in the interaction of various spheres.
Better evaluate the Chairman of Rospotrebnadzor, who is really an Amateur in the analysis of texts.
In his monograph "the Psychology of manipulation around coronavirus", which is published on Echo of Moscow and published on Psi-factor, I suggest to organize more international workshops on the analysis of scientific misinformation and manipulation in the science of coronavirus, strengthen independent international Institute experts research on coronavirus. Strengthen the dialogue fr om the perspective of objective analysis. But for now, politicians and major crown investors are exploiting this problem to the extent that they hinder the process of moving towards objective knowledge about covid. All spread out to their " apartments" .
In any case, there are humanistic aspects about everything that is happening around the coronavirus and short-sighted and limited virologists and epidemiologists will never be able to write about them. The problem of integrating the Sciences is a serious one. There is logic and a person who is not a virologist, but an analyst, can sometimes draw conclusions more valuable than a limited virologist. There is a philosophy of science, there is a methodology of science, and if a virologist does not know these subjects, then it is useless to expect world and significant success from such a scientist.
The mass average person does not have an objective understanding of the total world mortality due to other diseases? I found scientific publications, according to which, most likely, the total mortality in the world will not change , since a significant part of the traditional deaths migrated to covid, due to mass diagnostics on covid.
It is necessary to recognize that the mass Philistine does not read scientific publications on the world's largest library resources? Doesn't he watch scientific forums on the Internet wh ere various virologists and epidemiologists speak?

( see R. R. Garifullin, "The psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war:

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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