China's bluff and manipulation of the coronavirus.

China's bluff and manipulation of the coronavirus.
The coronavirus pandemic from China went around the world not because of the spread of coronavirus, but because of the spread of test tools for diagnostics for coronavirus, which China showered the whole world with. And it happened in the spring quickly and quickly! China has made money on this. Throwing something at the world is in the style of China. China itself did not join in this game and manipulation of the coronavirus, playing only the role of an isolated subject. Now he's watching as a manipulator. And according to world statistics, the death rate from pneumonia has always been terrible, and this year it has not changed. Only now it is often identified as a coronavirus, which is in line with the previous SARS viruses.
And such new dangerous SARS viruses and flu viruses appeared abound every year.But this year there was a special case related to the fact that there was a danger. The danger of this game and manipulation is that now there are almost no diseases that would not provoke the coronavirus. Heart and stroke patients will soon be rebelling on this score. And those who passed away from heart failure, but allegedly caused by covid, are already silent and will not be able to prove it. It seems that soon almost all diseases will be provoked only by covid. And what to do with the billions of people who died from these diseases before covid? The
Complexity of the situation is that many wealthy coronovirus phobics have now massively occupied paid beds so that there is less space in hospitals for insolvent people suffering from various diseases not related to covid. Mortality due to non-provision of medical care caused by these factors is increasing.
There was no coronavirus pandemic, but only a mass diagnosis of people suffering from pneumonia and other diseases for coronavirus, which led to statistics that are filled in all the media.
But the Russian authorities seem to understand everything that is happening on the basis of all the above and have an objective attitude to the processes of isolation and quarantine. The authorities will never go on a spring adventure, the initiators of which still have to answer to the international Tribunal.

( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war: )

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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