On the current issues of the International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE-2021.

On the current issues of the International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE-2021.
The VII International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE 2021, which ended in Kazan, brought together more than 1,500 leading specialists from Russia and foreign countries.

The VII International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE 2021 was the most representative not only in terms of the scope of participants, but also in terms of the scale of the declared topics: 575 reports were made by scientists from 275 universities, scientific and educational organizations, including 79 foreign ones.

The problem of online education was relevant at the international forum.​ If the last forum in 2020 raised the issue of mastering online education, then IFTE-2021 was more concerned with the problem of adapting to online education.

Along with the most exciting issues – digitalization of education, distance learning and the use of online technologies-the forum participants discussed a range of issues related to the specifics of working with children with disabilities.

I would like to note the presentation of representatives of the main scientific institution of Russia in the field of correctional psychology on how the education system for children with disabilities is changing. The most important thing is the maximum inclusion of such children in the social and educational environment together with normally developing peers.

Statistics on the spread of inclusion The differentiated standard made it possible to provide special educational conditions for some children with rapid developmental delay, who previously did not fall into the focus of specialists ' attention and were trained according to mass programs. Simply put, these children can now be provided with the most appropriate educational routes for them to start school.

But working with special children also requires specially trained teachers. And here, unfortunately, there are many urgent problems that need to be solved. Surveys conducted by the institute showed that there are not enough trained teachers in the country's schools who know specific means and methods of teaching.

In addition, I would like to mention the current topic" On cybersocialization and cyberpedagogy in the COVID-19 pandemic", which was covered at the forum.​
The need to highlight cybersocialization as a separate type of socialization, new techniques, tools and opportunities of cyber pedagogy, opportunities for educating students ' moral qualities through cyberspace resources, problems of permanent use of technology and the dominance of gadgets in everyday life, the terrible trend-the myth of abandoning full-time education, the possibilities and benefits of digital detox, the bet on creativity in the framework of theoretical and practical training was noted., as well as the personal and professional development of students, the preservation of human relations and interaction, and much more.

​ My master class "Postmodern Psychology and pedagogy as the basis for the development of the creative component of the educational process" was successfully held at this forum . It was dedicated to my monographs "Fundamentals of Postmodern Psychology" (2015) and "Fundamentals of Postmodern Pedagogy" (2021).

How should pedagogy and education be transformed in the context of a significant transformation and destruction of all kinds of meanings and values of students, caused by new realities and the split between the real and the virtual? How does this split transform the psyche of students, their intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere? How to transform pedagogy in such a changed environment? It was shown that only pedagogy, which uses postmodern approaches, is able to meet the challenges of modernity. Special attention was paid to the development of creative and creative abilities of students in the era of postmodernism.

To what extent does the lack of conditions for children's imagination, which is caused by the postmodern era, that is, their immersion in the fantastic virtual worlds of games and films, negatively affect the development of their imaginative intuition and thinking? To what extent do the conditions by which a child no longer needs to fantasize and imagine, but only passively perceive an imaginary living picture made by someone, affect his ability to fantasize and imagine?

If this negative influence of the tools and "crutches" of the soul, that is , the inanimate mental prostheses of the psyche of a schoolboy living in the era of postmodernism already blocks the development of imagination, that is, the basis for creativity in science and art, then soon we will get a generation of degenerates, such users of all sorts of games and films. ​ These users will "walk" around the world on the" crutches " of the Internet and will turn into creatures with brain prostheses that are still outside the brain, although later, thanks to chipping, this process of human disability may increase.

Add to this addiction, that is, dependence to such a passive devouring of live images, in which the emotional-volitional sphere does not develop.
The world turns into people passively devouring someone's living imaginary pictures. In fact, he lives in dependence on these living images, ignoring the processes of imagination that once arose in the process of perceiving texts from letters and words. Now people are more and more immersed in the world of ready-made living images and pictures, without imagining or imagining anything.

And yet, I would like to believe that even in the process of perception of living images, in which the processes of imagination and representation do not work, at least some thought processes are connected to these living images. However, when an addict or a gambler comes to images of intoxication or winning, they are unlikely to somehow critically evaluate these images? ​ They just enjoy these images, staying in passive observation of them, like the same modern users of live images of games and movies.
It must be recognized that our students are increasingly immersed in conditions in which the opportunity to develop their various components of thinking gradually disappears: intuition, imagination, analysis, reasoning, etc. The psyche of schoolchildren spends more and more energy on passive and weak-willed processes of experiencing live images.

Postmodern pedagogy, first of all, should include a program of prevention from these emerging degradation processes. ​

The global trend is that the world is beginning to divide into a mass of passive people-consumers (users) and a small part of active and creative creators
(creatives). The fate of different countries and their scientific and creative potential will depend on these processes. ​ A lot will depend on the localization of talented scientists, programmers, etc. What role will Russia play in this regard? The role of a resource-degrading country or a strong subject of high-tech technologies?

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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