Protest anti-vacancy electorate of Russia is the most numerous!

Protest anti-vacancy electorate of Russia is the most numerous!
1. It is still necessary to understand the causes of postcovid syndrome and mortality : either covid itself affects, or immunosuppressive pharmacochemistry from covid. These studies have just begun. But there are already many articles on the harm of this pharmaceutical chemistry on the Internet.
2. A significant part of Russians are not vaccinated. This is the essence! This essence must be known! To learn objectively, that is, without any negativity and positivity. Self-knowledge is always useful!
On the other hand, time and practice form objective information about the vaccine. This is also an entity! And the attitude to this entity should also be objective, that is, without any negatives and positives.
3. After the start of the coronavirus pandemic in the world and in Russia, objective information about the statistics of influenza, acute respiratory infections and non-acute pneumonias has disappeared so much that it seems that either these diseases have disappeared, or a significant part of them has turned into covid, or it is manipulation.
4. It is necessary to recognize that a powerful protest electorate of anti-vaccination activists is being formed now. This is a significant part of Russians. And Putin did not simply decide to speak to the Russians live in the summer. This is serious!
( see the monograph: R. R. Garifullin, Manipulations around the coronavirus, 2021
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