Fake QR codes and punishment.

Fake QR codes and punishment.
Fake QR codes and punishment.

I looked at the CC. It turns out that fake QR codes threaten those who sell them with criminal prosecution up to two years in prison. That is, criminal liability may occur for presenting a fake QR code in a cafe or restaurant. In the usual case, the case may be limited to a fine. But if the user of the fake has signs of covid, he may well get a prison sentence.
If visitors become infected, especially en masse, then the article on violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules is provided for, and this is punishable by up to two years in prison. If one of the infected people dies, the maximum sentence will increase to five years.
It is clear that some buyers are subject to fears and phobias regarding vaccination. These are anxious people who care about their morale. The main thing for them is that there are no alarms. And they are willing to pay for it. The other part is observers who do not have phobias, but they are not yet ripe for vaccination, so they are ready to donate funds. The third psychotype is chronic manipulators who always bribed everything before the situation with covid. There is a large social stratum in Russia that makes it easier for itself to solve various tasks through corruption and bribery. It starts from school, when you buy the Unified State Exam, and continues all your life. In addition, there is also pressure from structures that sell fakes and want to make money on it.
Educational work would be the best way to cope with all sorts of fears about vaccinations. Even at the very beginning of the campaign, it was worth explaining to people in a popular, accessible language why the vaccine is useful.
After all, when a person has some ideas, it is easier for him to choose. But, as far as I observe, infectious disease specialists and vaccine developers speak differently. In addition, they do not know how to explain popularly, vividly and simply. Therefore, we were too late with the educational work, missing the time when the population formed phobias and anxieties. There are only manipulative technologies left, but they also need to be mastered masterfully so as not to scare away.
Attempts to convince of the need for vaccination can be compared to jumping into the water from a high springboard. Someone needs to be persuaded, and someone just needs to be pushed forcibly. But the latter method can lead to the fact that some people will harbor a grudge against the state.
Only time will help to convince the opponents of vaccination. People are afraid of the unknown, the fear of the new is quite an ordinary human feeling. And, despite the wide coverage of all aspects of vaccination in the press, some people are just used to being afraid.
And again there is excitement in the soul! And suddenly the satellite is not inferior in efficiency to modernity or pfeizer...and suddenly...This is the trap of our mentality.
Alas! The market can't wait . Art Nouveau and pfizers have already taken over the world ...
Really, the bet on the hope of giving birth to the last international brand of Sputnik-v will not be crowned with success? People are not thinking about this success, but about their life and health.

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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