Legal contradictions of vaccination.

Legal contradictions of vaccination.
Here is a list of legal contradictions in connection with vaccination:

1. On the one hand, vaccination in Russia is voluntary, but why then should we receive medical withdrawals for a period of 30 days, and then extend them.

2. On the one hand, everyone is forced to get vaccinated, but at the same time no one is going to give guarantees and issue a document on the absence of contraindications to vaccination and there are no compensation mechanisms for citizens and families affected by forced vaccination.

3.On the one hand, there is a powerful manipulative influence on Russians in connection with vaccination, and on the other, vaccination is formalized as a process of voluntary consent of a citizen (according to paragraph 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law-323).

That is, voluntariness becomes the result of influence and manipulation.

4. On the one hand, the authorities claim that it is illegal to force those who have a medical withdrawal, and on the other hand, it turns out that it is legal and possible to force those who do not have a medical withdrawal?

5. On the one hand, Russians are called to responsibility before society in connection with vaccination, and on the other hand, none of the representatives of the Ministry of Health and medical workers takes responsibility for side effects and dangers. Moreover, sometimes Russians are asked to sign for the fact that they are familiar with the side effects?

Now there is a fashion for signatures in Russia, after which it is difficult to sue and prove something. In Russia, the culture and technologies of avoiding the responsibility of the authorities, individuals and various subjects have come. Vaccination is a product of this destructive culture.

6. On the one hand, everything is voluntary, and on the other, conditions have already been created under which they are no longer allowed to the workplace and do not pay wages if a person has not been vaccinated. By the way, this phenomenon also takes place not only around vaccination. The very economy and domestic policy of Russia uses these levers so that the people do not have the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with the authorities, otherwise you will not get a salary. Vaccination has become only a mirror and an expression of these phenomena.

7. On the one hand, Russians can turn to doctors in connection with medical withdrawals, and on the other hand, doctors themselves admit that they are also "working" with them and they can do nothing. Apparently, there is already an instruction from above - not to give anyone a medical discharge.

8. On the one hand, the medical withdrawal allows you to insure yourself against the harm of the vaccine, and on the other hand, there is harm from violating medical secrecy at work and the probability of reduction due to poor health increases.

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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