Numerological forecast for February from Endje Garifullina

Numerological forecast for February from Endje Garifullina
In February, the vibration of the figure will prevail "8" (2+0+2+2 - the number of the year + 2 is the number of the month) The vibration of 8 in the month indicates a "swing" of the cash flow. This time is favorable for career growth, the search for new strategies. At this time, you need to set goals. It is better not to engage in building a personal life this month. If you use the vibration of the universe correctly, everything else will line up by itself. If a person does everything right, he becomes successful. According to the numerological forecast for 2022, February is the time of money, power, business and an active career. It is necessary to learn how to manage finances and be friends with them. At this time, little time is given to personal life. Attention is focused on the implementation and transformation of monetary thinking, the consciousness of a successful person. If a woman dreams of a family during this period and starts doing this, then she will not receive either one or the other qualitatively. It is best to engage in success and career. When you do everything right, the rest will attract. Also, the vibration "8" is a monetary egregore. Therefore, it is important to set goals and go towards them. If you don't have enough money, most likely you are doing something wrong. Dig into the purpose: "Are you doing that? Do you want to do this? Is it yours?". No need to scatter.

February is the shortest month of the year, it will pamper you with a remarkable event - an energetically strong mirror date. Mirror dates are quite rare. 22.02.2022 is notable for the fact that it is also the second day of the week.

Zero (0) is an absolutely neutral number with absolutely no energy. Consequently, on February 22, the planet will be influenced by the power of the number 2, which means balance, harmony, symmetry, contributing to the acquisition of inner peace and comfort.

The number 2 also means love, diplomacy, friendship. The "code" of the day 22.02.2022 contains as many as six twos. Thanks to the energy of the twos, people who need support will gain strength. Twos on this day bring positive life changes. Each person will come closer to the realization of a dream or a goal. It is important to trust your intuition to get the flow of the right thoughts and ideas. On a mirror date, fate will help you find answers to long-troubling questions. Lonely people can meet a person who will turn their lives around. Careerists will cope with mistakes that prevent them from climbing higher up the corporate ladder.

If you want a personal analysis of the purpose, write to me on Instagram


Certified Psychologist (CFU), certified numerologist
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