Positive prospects for Russia's economic and political image in connection with the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Positive prospects for Russia's economic and political image in connection with the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
International economic actors have recently begun to understand more deeply the role of the Russian economy in global economic processes. The time has come when past derogatory assessments of the Russian economy, which makes up only two percent of the world economy, are perceived as nonsense. Indeed, the Russian economy is still underdeveloped, but its impact on the world economy is significant! And we see this now in the economic state of Europe, in the economic worries of the United States, in sanctions, which are only limited in nature. Russia is not a Middle Eastern country that can be turned off from the world economy, as the United States has done with various countries before.

Recently, due to the situation related to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, a powerful economic image of Russia is being formed with an economy affecting the entire world economy. There is a contradictory international assessment of Russia's political image. The final political image of Russia will depend on the final result. It is on the basis of the final result that history gives a true assessment of an international political subject. Different things can happen to Russia in this regard. On the one hand, Russia can become a global trigger for the positive development of the world, changing the unipolar principles of the world order set by the Hegemon. At the same time, Russia risks becoming a rogue state. There is a third option. It is connected with the prospect of the disappearance of Russia as an international entity. This is what the President of Russia always talks about. This is the problem of the fate of our Fatherland.

(См. видеоканал "Психолог Рамиль Гарифуллин"

https://youtube.com/channel/UCTfCxnOrbb5UdV5003s7p_Q )

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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