Книга \"Getting Results the Agile Way\"

Книга \"Getting Results the Agile Way\"
На днях закончил чтение хорошей книги " Getting Results the Agile Way: A Personal Results System for Work and Life " (автор - J.D. Meier). Читал в оригинале (английский язык), т.к. русской редакции книги вроде как нет. 
В данном произведении описана "персональная система личной эффективности". Подход мне понравился, нашел для себя много новых и интересных мыслей. В целом можно поставить оценку "4+", хорошая книга для совершенствования личных стратегий.

Вот что говорит автор про свою методику:
Agile Results is a personal productivity system that combines the best patterns and practicies from a variety of disciplines.
There is a gap between the state of the art and the state of the practice when it becomes to results. 
Agile Results has a special emphasis on simplicity.
Agile Results ориентирован на достижение результатов, и в этом данный подход очень хорош...


3 key parts

3 основные идеи, на которых базируется подход:
  1. Использование правила 3х результатов  -   Adopt The Rule of 3 to avoid overwhelm and get mindful about your results.
  2. План в Понедельник - Результаты Дня - Пятничный Обзор  -   Adopt the Monday Vision, Daily Outcomes, Friday Reflection pattern for weekly results.
  3. Составление сбалансированной карты результатов и установка границ  -   Set boundaries in your Hot Spots to find work life balance.

The Rule of 3

Правило 3х результатов предполагает выбор только 3х задач (а точнее их результатов) и фокусировку именно на них. При этом мы концентрируемся на цели, а не на способах ее достижения, используя "гибкий подход".
Необходимо регулярно определять:
  • 3 задачи года
  • 3 задачи месяца
  • 3 задачи недели
  • 3 задачи дня
Желательно чтобы эти задачи поддерживали друг друга.

The Monday Vision, Daily Outcomes, Friday Reflection

Данное правило предполагает постановку задач на неделю и день, а также пересмотр и оценку достижений в конце недели.

Hot Spot

Правило предполагает постановку сбалансированных (по разным контекстам) целей и установление границ (минимальное и максимальное количество часов в неделю).

Values, Principles, and Practices

В книге описываются ключевые ценности, принципы и практики.

10 Values:

  1. Action over Analysis Paralysis / Действие важнее Планирования - Taking action is the best antidote for analysis paralysis. Rather than over-engineer or try to figure out everything up front, start taking action. Your results will inform your thinking, and you can change your course as needed.
  2. Approach over Results / Подход важнее результата - You can’t control your results. You can control your attitude, actions, and response. Use your results as a gauge and for feedback.
  3. Energy over Time / Энергия важнее времени - Focus on keeping your energy strong. You’ll get more done in one power hour than throwing lots of hours at a problem when you just don’t have the energy. In addition to eating right, sleeping well, and working out, the key to energy is following your passion and living your values.
  4. Focus over Quantity / Фокус/Концентрация важнее Количества - It’s not about doing more. It’s about focusing on the right things. Focus is your force multiplier.
  5. Good Enough over Perfection / "Достаточно хорошо" важнее Идеального - Don’t let perfectionism get in the way. It’s better to produce something that you can improve or iterate on, than to continuously block yourself while striving for perfection.
  6. Growth Mindset over Fixed Mindset / Мышление Развития важнее Мышления Предопределенности -  A growth mindset means that you can learn and respond. A fixed mindset means that you think something was born that way and won’t change. By adopting a growth mindset, you help avoid learned helplessness. You also pay more attention to your situation and feedback. You also become more flexible in your approach. This flexibility is your key to results. It’s how you will improve over time.
  7. Outcomes over Activities / Результат важнее Действия -  Spending more time or doing more things isn’t a good measure of productivity. Results are the best measure. By focusing on your results instead of your activities, you can place value on where you spend your time. By getting clarity on what you want to accomplish, you can be flexible in your approach.
  8. Strengths over Weaknesses / Сила важнее слабости -  Spend more time in your strengths than in your weaknesses. Rather than spend all your energy improving your weaknesses, spend your energy maximizing your strengths. You’ll get more payback. If you do work on your weaknesses, then focus on reducing your key liabilities.
  9. System over Ad Hoc / Система важнее Временного решения -  Having a system for results is a powerful thing. It gives you a firm foundation. You can experiment more. When you get off track, you have something to fall back on or to turn to when you need it. By having a system for the basics, you can move yourself up the stack and automatically invest yourself in higher level matters. Most importantly, you free your mind by having trusted places to look and a trusted process to fall back on.
  10. Value Up over Backlog Burndown / Создание ценности важнее Выполненного дела -  Rather than just work through your backlog, think in terms of creating value. This can be value for yourself, other people, or your employer. This is a value-up strategy. By thinking in terms of value up, you get in the habit of asking, “What’s the next best thing to do?”

10 Principles

  1. 80/20 Action -  Rather than spend 80 percent stuck in analysis and only 20 percent doing, it's about shifting to spend 80 percent of your time in action.
  2. Change Your Approach / Меняйте свой подход -  Tune and adjust as you go. If it’s not working, let it go.
  3. Continuous Learning / Постоянно обучайтесь -  As you change and as things change around you, use your learning to improve your results.
  4. Deliver Incremental Value / Получайте дополнительные ценности -  Find a way to flow value. Chunking up your results helps you build momentum. It also helps you build credibility with yourself and others. Rather than wait for a big bang at the end, you can flow value.
  5. Less Is More / Меньше значит больше -  Bite off what you can chew and reduce work that’s in flight.
  6. Factor Action from Reference / Факторы действия отделены от справочников -  You should keep your action items separate from reference. This helps reduce the signal-to-noise ratio.
  7. Set Boundaries / Устанавливайте границы -  Set boundaries in terms of time or energy. Consider boundaries for the following Hot Spots: mind, body, emotions, career, financial, relationships, and fun. The key is to have a minimum in some categories and a maximum in others.
  8. Fix Time, Flex Scope / Фиксированное время, гибкие возможности -  Treat time as a first-class citizen. First set time boundaries. Next, bite off what you can chew within those boundaries.
  9. Rhythm of Results / Ритм результатов -  Focus on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly results. Building a rhythm builds a habit that you don't have to think about. The habit becomes a ritual that produces a feeling of accomplishment.
  10. Version Your Results /Версии результатов -  You can improve your results on each pass. Version 3 will be better than version 2 which will be better than version 1. This helps you fight perfectionism and produce incremental results.

12 Practices

  1. Action Lists / Списки действий
  2. Daily Outcomes / Подведение ежедневных итогов
  3. Growth Mindset / Развитие мышления
  4. Monday Vision, Daily Outcomes, Friday Reflection /План в Понедельник, Результаты Дня, Пятничный Обзор
  5. Monthly Improvement Sprints / Ежемесячные быстрые улучшения
  6. Reference Collections / Сбор отзывов
  7. Scannable Outcomes / "Радар результатов"
  8. Strong week / Сильная неделя
  9. The Rule of 3 / Правило 3х
  10. Timebox Your Day / Временные рамки дня
  11. Triage / Сортировка
  12. Weekly Outcomes / Подведение еженедельных итогов
На самом деле в книге еще много полезных идей и советов, но это основные.
Более подробно можно почитать тут:  http://gettingresults.com  .

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