How does the world earn and use the coronavirus problem?

How does the world earn and use the coronavirus problem?
1. the Swedes, who did not introduce insane quarantines, were intimidated by the whole world, they were laughed at, but it's time to laugh at them

In all countries that have been quarantined, a second wave of coronavirus is inevitable, because collective immunity has not been developed. But Sweden is not threatened: with minimal, science-based quarantine measures, the Swedes are already out of the epidemic. There are losses, but they are small, but the economy has not suffered much. And while Europe and America — with terrible losses in the economy — have already been hit by the second wave, which will inevitably reap a bountiful harvest, Sweden has returned to normal life.

Why did this happen?

Because the media is owned by elites who see lockouts as an effective way to ensure even greater control over the population. The real problem is power, not efficiency or saving lives. The Swedish model undermines these efforts by providing a viable alternative that defies lockouts and leads countries out of crisis. This is why Sweden is treated with such open hostility — because elites see crisis management as a useful tool for implementing the structural changes they want to impose on the political and economic systems. Billionaire oligarchs see crises not as "periods of severe unrest or disaster" but as a set of Golden opportunities that can be used to their advantage.

2. Now there are more subjects who will never want the problem of coronavirus to be resolved. The group of these investors is growing and they are not only connected with the development of a vaccine.

Later it will turn out that these investors are no different from the largest speculators of the stock exchanges. The main thing for them is profit. Everything else is secondary. Moreover, the system of justification based on scientific virological speculations of this controversial coronavirus has been rebuilt. And this is the whole horror of the situation!

3. Onishchenko said that there will be no second wave of coronavirus. I would correct it by saying that there will not be a second wave of coronavirus phobia, despite the fact that the second wave of manipulation in the media has already begun. The media is already choking and confused about a new wave of coronavirus and a new type of coronavirus. It seems that now in the world any dangerous spread of infection and flu will be reduced to new waves of coronavirus. Onishchenko is right in one thing, that it is necessary to deal with prevention and vaccination against influenza and SARS. And kovid is still an ARVI , but it will take a special place among the ARVI, since various international actors will use it as a tool of world economic war for a long time to be manipulated by various international actors. Therefore, I refer everyone to reading my monograph " Manipulations around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war":

4. according to some authoritative experts, there is confusion in the diagnosis. Moreover, the diagnostic error on the covid is 60 percent.

There are studies according to which a significant part of those who have had covid, according to the diagnosis, doubt that they were ill with covid. There are statistics of people who do not agree that their deceased relatives had covid.

All this will be revealed only in a few years.

5. in some articles about coronavirus, for correctness, it is necessary to provide indicators of mortality from other diseases that aggravate the condition of a patient with diabetes.

And yet, the media has now reached a balance between articles that cause coronavirus phobia , and Vice versa, removing it.

6. will doctors who are hooked on coronavirus surcharges Want the coronavirus problem resolved and their surcharges removed?

Will investors who are already making profits on the coronavirus problem want this problem solved?

Will the powers that be around the world, who are using the coronavirus problem for their political and economic purposes, want to solve this problem?

Will virologists, who are using huge financial resources to study the coronavirus, want this problem to be resolved faster?

This is the trap of the world's coronavirus problem?

7. Evaluated the manipulations around the coronavirus, in particular, those that take place in scientific Virology, and realized that Lysenkoism has come to the world science. The corruption of world science continues. It used to be based on racism. Now on the basis of the coronavirus project.

Russian Virology is only secondary to these processes of corruption of science. The latest development of a coronavirus vaccine will require independent expert evaluation by the world scientific community. It is in anticipation of these events that Russian virologists are not in a hurry yet and will show tolerance in terms of implementation. And they will do the right thing.

Almost all the world's scientific journals have been politicized and commercialized to such an extent that these processes of corrupting fundamental science continue. Many progressive scientists in the West are already talking about this.

In the meantime, I refer everyone to the authoritative opinion of the world scientist-physicist Lawrence Krauss, who published his article on The World Street Journal from 12.06.2020.

8. So we did not notice how the problems with coronavirus formed a new tool for regulating the economy and politics, unfair business practices and competition. The problem of our health, as practice and time shows, is secondary!

Associate Professor of the Department of pedagogical psychology of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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