Security Lab

Cacheton Webdl 1.0

Cacheton Webdl 1.0

Web даунлоадер, написанный на ассемблере и не обнаруживаемый антивирусами на момент публикации статьи.

Web даунлоадер, написанный на ассемблере и не обнаруживаемый антивирусами на момент публикации статьи.

Описание программы от автора:
Cacheton Webdl is coded in ASM (masm).
It stealthttp downloads all file types.
It uses a brand nHTTPirewall bypass method I named "fwbc".
This technique bypasses recent firewalls thanks to Internet Explorer's cache.
The server is open source.


[*] Builder (masm)
[*] FWBc (bypasses Tiny Pro)
[*] Bypass more firewalls (eg : Outpost)
[*] Unkillable process
[*] Melt server
[*] Download after restart
[*] Execute the downloaded file
[*] Persistent download
[*] Choice of the target directory
[*] Choice of the target filename
[*] serv size: 4.0 ko or 1.8 ko packed

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