Bill Gates and the international Tribunal.

Bill Gates and the international Tribunal.
Bill Gates recently makes ridiculous and amateurish statements about the problems of the consequences of coronavirus. I don't care what he's talking about. The motives of these statements are more important. They are associated with fears of retribution and punishment for their initiative to isolate humanity, which destroyed the economy of many countries, but at the same time enriched individual world magnates and international actors. The Woz who got hooked on gates ' money and became his plaything. - this is the object of the upcoming magistrates ' courts and international Tribunal. Gates expects that he will avoid punishment like Soros, who ran scams on the world market and exchange. Here the situation is different. This is not the scale. And gates will have to answer, even though the origins of this manipulation around the real coronavirus are deeper and related to the problems and projects of the rotten global financial system. Sooner or later there will be an international Tribunal. But humanity will go to this Court for a long time.
In the meantime, we will accept for several years the excuses that there was no other way, that humanity was doomed to go to this incompetent self-isolation, which will destroy many more people due to the collapse of the country's economy and social consequences. We will watch exculpatory staged Chinese films. China, meanwhile, no longer provides objective information and what we see on the monitors often has nothing to do with the reality of China.
This summer and the decline of the coronavirus will bring humanity closer to the international Tribunal, but the path to it will be thorny and difficult. The motives for the world Trial of coronavirus manipulators will be related not only to the suffering of humanity, but also to the world's major affected businessmen. The struggle of capital will do its job!

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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