What kind of trash does musical success come from?

What kind of trash does musical success come from?
Why often talented songs written by musicians do not have success, although this musician had success before?

Remember the mediocre advertising musical phrase " Wow, Danone!" It was a success and was repeated and sung by many Russians.

Even a simple creak of the door heard hundreds of times can cause nostalgic aesthetic pleasure to tears.

Frequent listening to any sound makes it familiar and recognizable. This phenomenon underlies the promotion and rotation of the song. And music producers know that. And indeed, sometimes, it is only necessary to deprive a musician of access to the media and on TV, as he loses his former success. But sometimes just one sound of music for a small group of people can generate an avalanche of success among the people. Therefore, there are other mechanisms of musical success. Let's look at some of them.

Above I have given only one of the mechanisms of the formation of aesthetic pleasure in the perception of music. And I called it empirical. This is an empirical aesthetic, that is, achieved by multiple listening-the practice of" hammering " at one point.

There are other mechanisms for the emergence of aesthetic pleasure in the perception of music.

For example, archetypal aesthetics, when an unconscious musical image already stored and embedded in the human brain resonates with the musical image created by the composer. Our brain already stores these harmonies on an unconscious level, but it can't hear them. And the composer helps this. Therefore, real composers are called Gods not only for the fact that they are able to eavesdrop on the sounds around them and write it after hearing the "creaking of doors", but also to eavesdrop on the souls of people and Themselves, in which this music is already stored.

There is an antagonistic (dialectical) musical aesthetic, when there is an antagonistic tension between the note and the whole music, that is, with harmony. The note itself has no aesthetic value, but if it interacts with harmony and is recognized, it already causes joy. At this time, there is a release of this antagonistic tension between the part and the whole. There is pleasure - catharsis! It's the thrill of fulfilling a musical expectation. Remember the first notes of the beautiful chorus, but the people are already screaming with pleasure, although the music is not yet playing, but only one note sounds!...

There is a musical aesthetic where sound, not necessarily musical, can relieve the neuroticism and depression of the listener. Shamans use it. Composers know that, too. There are rock bands and trends in music that are parasitic and have success not on music, but on sounds.

I have given only a tenth of the education of musical aesthetic enjoyment. Musicians should be aware of this.

The rest of the mechanisms can be found in my author's works. Such a classification, you are unlikely to find anywhere. It is authored. And some of the musical mechanisms were discovered by me for the first time . I advise musicians to learn these mechanisms of formation of musical aesthetic pleasure, thanks to my classification.

Video channel " Psychologist Ramil Garifullin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTfCxnOrbb5UdV5003s7p_Q

Associate Professor of IPO KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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