The code of the mentality of Russians

The code of the mentality of Russians
For me, it was more interesting to watch not the 2021 European Football Championship, but the Russian fans themselves. This championship was a test of what kind of Russians we are. My observations have shown that most Russians do not have a disposition, that is, the ability to have a pre-prepared algorithm of behavior in case of failure and lack of success.

Even despite the fact that our football is chronically losing football and initially it was clearly visible that our players are significantly inferior to the Belgians and Danes, the Russians always believe in a miracle, believe in "maybe", believe when there is no reason to believe. They believe so much that they do not consider options for their behavior in case of an unpleasant outcome. The expectation of the pleasant blinds the mind. It is this blind expectation that becomes the basis of courage, excitement and thrills. This is the code of our mentality.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that our players were also imbued with this mentality. They couldn't lose. They also did not have a disposition in case of a doomed loss. Therefore, I have always admired skaters who, after a fall, can immediately get up and make a successful quadruple sheepskin coat. This is a disposition! Our players fall even more after a fall. They do not have a formed disposition to fall!

Why is our football not just inferior to the world level of football, but significantly inferior? This question is not my competence.

I am interested in another problem: why do Russians, despite the lack of grounds for success, always chronically believe in success? We must learn to be professionals without any emotions and Faith in a miracle! And football players should show decent world-class football, regardless of failure, regardless of emotions. But, alas, there is no such football in Russia yet, but this is again a problem not of my competence.

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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