Russian numerologist Endje Garifullina about the 2022 Winter Olympics .

Russian numerologist Endje Garifullina about the 2022 Winter Olympics .
According to numerologist Endje Garifullina , the main governing figure of the Olympiad is 8
8 is the arcane of justice.
It is very important to be fair and benevolent, if you try to achieve your goal by cheating or otherwise dishonestly, then failure is guaranteed. Therefore, it is especially important to observe the rules of the game in this Olympiad.
In every situation, it is important to weigh many factors in order to make a reasonable and considered decision.

The outcome will be fair in any case thanks to 8. All trophies will only be deserved.

8 also represents balance, honesty and impartial justice. It is important for everyone to clearly understand what and why they are doing this in order to clearly decide how to behave further.

"8" is also considered the happiest number for the Chinese. The pronunciation of this number has the same tonality and similarity with the words: well-being, prosperity, success.

The second control digit is 6
The characteristic of the number 6 shows that it is important to be more humane, to be more compassionate to the difficulties of other people. Nothing will fall on your head for nothing, and you will need to make efforts to
get the desired result.
Everyone should take responsibility and take the initiative. Everyone will get what they rightfully deserve

Also, according to the Chinese, this number can bring good luck and help all honest and hardworking people overcome difficulties.

The third digit is the number 2 - this means that it is important to be tactful, thanks to 2 you can get inexhaustible opportunities for fruitful cooperation. Conflict-free is also very important. It is important to remain alert and receptive.
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