В ней хорошо сформулированы основные области развития (особого внимания) ИТ и ИБ с привязкой к материалами ISACA. Сами документы можно найти на сайте ISACA , но полагаю, что доступ к большинству из них доступен только членам ISACA (еще 1 причина это членство оплатить). Данные материалы имеет смысл изучить, если вы готовитесь к экзаменам .
1. Privacy and confidentiality
- The Business Model for Information Security™
- COBIT® 4.1 and related guidance
- Audit and Assurance Programs
2. Enterprise Risk Management
- Risk IT Framework
- Risk IT Practitioner Guide
- Monitoring Internal Control Systems and IT
- IT Control Objectives for Basel II: The Importance of Governance and Risk Management for Compliance
- The Business Model for Information Security
3. Emerging Technology
- White Papers and Publications on:
- Cloud Computing
- Virtualization
- Mobile Devices
- Social Media
- Geolocation
- Mobile Payment
- Security, Audit and Control Features (SAP® ERP/Oracle® E-Business Suite/Oracle® DB)
- SharePoint® Deployment and Governance Using COBIT®
4. Cloud
- IT Control Objectives for Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing White Paper
- Cloud Computing Audit Program
- The Business Model for Information Security™
- Implementing and Continually Improving IT Governance
- Crisis Management Audit/Assurance Programs
5. Governance and management of IT assets
- Val IT™ Framework 2.0
- Value Management Guidance for Assurance Professionals: Using Val IT™ 2.0
- Implementing and Continually Improving IT Governance
- COBIT 4.1
6. IT Assurance Professional Requirements