Новая книга серии COBIT5: COBIT5 for Business Benefits Realization

Новая книга серии COBIT5: COBIT5 for Business Benefits Realization
ISACA выпустила новую книгу серии COBIT5 - " COBIT5 for Business Benefits Realization " (по сути, это часть темы IT Governance).

Авторы дают такое короткое, но емкое описание книги:
COBIT 5 for Business Benefits Realization builds on the COBIT 5 framework by focusing on governance and management dimensions of business benefits realization and providing contextualized guidance to COBIT 5 for consultants, experts in governance and business management, IT professionals, and other interested parties at all levels of the enterprise. This publication can be used as a practical guide for various aspects of business benefits realization in relation to COBIT 5.
И определяют следующие выгоды для читателей:
COBIT5 for Business Benefits Realization builds on the COBIT 5 framework and its professional guides and provides the following benefits to readers: 
  • Better understanding of the increasingly complex but significant areas of business benefits realization;
  • Better understanding of key links between business benefits realization and enterprise and IT strategy, and enterprise architecture;
  • Clarity on the application of the COBIT 5 governance and management principles to business benefits realization;
  • Details about how each COBIT 5 enabler supports business benefits realization; 
  • Contextual references to industry best practices that are garnered from leading authors and researchers in the benefits realization field.

Для членов ISACA электронную версию можно купить за 35$, для всех остальных - за 75$. Еще предлагают бесплатно скачать:
  • Checklist—Important Elements of a Successful Business Case ( ссылка )
  • Sample Business Case for GEIT Implementation ( ссылка )

Основной документ на удивление большой, 266 страниц текста, но в нем очень много повторений и копи-паста из других книг серии, это немного печалит.

Он состоит из 4 частей и 3 приложений, приведу их описание из книги:
  • Chapter 1—Provides a primer on enterprise and IT strategic planning and describes briefly the necessary precursors for effective enterprise benefits realization that stem from enterprise and IT strategic planning. This chapter provides a conceptual baseline on which the remainder of book is built. 
  • Chapter 2—Applies COBIT 5 principles to business benefits realization, beginning with why the business benefits realization imperative is strategic and followed by a detailed account of how each COBIT 5 principle relates to business benefits realization. 
  • Chapter 3—Provides practical guidance for using COBIT 5 enablers to govern and manage business benefits realization. The detailed guidance for each COBIT 5 enabler is sourced from best practices.
  • Chapter 4—Offers three approaches for implementing business benefits realization: ISACA COBIT 5 Implementation Framework, an implementation life cycle process that is specific to business benefits realization and adopted by the UK Government, and the Australian New South Wales (NSW) Government Benefits Realisation Management framework.
  • Appendix A—Process enabler guidance for COBIT 5 processes that are relevant to business benefits realization.
  • Appendix B—Mapping and guidance for COBIT 5 processes that support business benefits realization.
  • Appendix C—Sample code of ethics and business conduct.

Документ очень занудный!!! Читать его имеет смысл, если вы уже довольно неплохо разбираетесь в теме IT Governance и/или готовитесь к экзамену CGEIT . И для начала я бы рекомендовал ознакомиться с короткой обобщающей презентацией - " COBIT5 for Business Benefits Realization: A Preview ".

Документ предполагает долгое и обстоятельно изучение, но пока выбрал для себя несколько полезных схем и таблиц, они далее...

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