Navalny and mental disorders

Navalny and mental disorders
Navalny and mental disorders

Vil Mirzayanov, a chemist and one of the developers of the Novichok chemical warfare agent, who has lived in the United States for 25 years, apologized to opposition leader Alexey Navalny.

Mirzayanov said that in 1993 he met with a man who survived the Novichok poisoning. He said that the symptoms described by him are similar to those that Navalny mentioned in the post the day before.

"All the symptoms are similar. He overcame, survived. Apparently, Navalny will have to be patient. But in the end, it should be healthy, " the scientist said. According to Mirzayanov, it may take up to a year to restore the Russian politician.

In his opinion, Navalny at first could not write words on the Board, because there was a problem of transmitting signals from the brain to functional organs-Novichok molecules prevent the breakdown of the protein responsible for transmitting such signals.

Here are my conclusions and thoughts on this matter:

1. now the most important thing for Navalny is to follow a program to strengthen the self-compensating mechanisms of the brain that resist premature dementia and dementia.

2. Navalny needs to advertise his temporary mental disorders less. Otherwise, it can be used by its political competitors. Moreover, there is a law on the secrecy of psychoemotional health.

3. according to the analysis of interviews on TV, the share of dementia is present in vil Mirzayanov himself, but it is already associated with his old age. He will now feel and understand what it means to lose mental functions in his" skin " from the inside. But nature is "to blame" for his dementia, and the dementia of people suffering from psychochemistry is to blame for the people themselves.

4. the guilt Syndrome of scientists (Curie syndrome) who develop what kills is highly controversial. I write these lines and at this time in the world, hundreds of thousands of scientists are developing something that kills and are criminally proud of it, proud of the fees. Such is sin, such is the contradiction of man, and this is his suffering.

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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