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Imitation of education.

Imitation of education.
The topic of a nine-year-old girl Alice Teplyakova, who entered the Moscow State University to study at the Faculty of Psychology, has already become noisy and is not so interesting for the media, which had only a consumer attitude to this phenomenon. And I myself am not so interested in this child prodigy. For me, it is more relevant to what kind of degradation our education system has come to, thanks to which this became possible. Therefore, I will continue to use the topic with geeks, but only to solve the problem of the degradation of the education system. It is easier to analyze and solve this problem from the perspective and in the context of how the parents of child prodigies "cheat" our education system.
So why did the phenomenon of educational geeks arise? Obviously, this was made possible not only thanks to the abilities of the geeks themselves. This became possible, on the one hand, against the background of a low level of real knowledge, that is, knowledge at the level of students ' beliefs. It is necessary to recognize that students have turned into guessers and generators of correct answers, who have ceased to appreciate the process of cognition itself. And on the other hand, this became possible due to the fatigue of teachers from a powerful pedagogical and worthless bureaucracy, which does not allow many of them to engage in special approaches to gifted children and apply their own pedagogical creative and authorial approaches. That is why there are already many parents who protect their children from school, preferring home schooling for their children. There are other reasons for such a flight, and I have many articles about this in scientific foreign and domestic journals.
Child prodigy Alice Teplyakova never went to school, but studied only at home. And now, she has to attend university and this is a big burden for a girl who apparently has a reduced social intelligence, which is usually formed in society and mainly among classmates. It is possible to train scientific-subject intelligence and teach it to answer correctly, but it is impossible to develop emotional intelligence and emotional-volitional sphere so quickly! The gap between scientific and subject intelligence and the level of emotional development of Alice Teplyakova will grow and this may be harmful to her mental health.
There is an opinion that it is better for such prodigies not to jump through classes, stepping over five years and a decade of the educational process, but to study in special schools of gifted people, and then, at a university, to study according to a special program. But to study in such a way that emotional intelligence, emotional-volitional sphere and personal development do not suffer.
In the meantime, Alisa Teplyakova, when asked what she will do at the age of 11 when she graduates from Moscow State University, answers that she will finally have the opportunity to buy any doll. Thus, she demonstrates the gap between her personal and scientific-subject development. That is why, apparently, Alice's dad decided to train her at the psychology faculty in order to accelerate her personal and psychological development, but, alas, it simply does not grow thanks to knowledge. This requires public practice and sufficient social communication, and of course time! In the meantime, we see only the hustle and bustle and the implementation of the project of Alice's father, a child prodigy who, as a successful entrepreneur, uses children as a tool for his own ambitious plans. And there are already successes. And the fees from the TV companies have already begun to arrive.
An analysis of video content about Alice Teplyakova, which is available on the Internet, showed that her father protects the child from testing her knowledge and questions that would reveal her development. The child looks only at his father after each question.
At the moment, the teachers of Moscow State University, with whom the prodigy is studying, apparently got into a difficult and dead-end situation. They do not comment on this in the media. And in general, university teachers are often afraid to give objective assessments about the education system, due to the fact that the university management may negatively assess it so much that the teacher may suffer. Therefore, only objective assessments of some students who study with a nine-year-old girl at Moscow State University appeared in the media.
For example, yesterday I learned from the media that a classmate of a nine-year-old student of the Moscow State University, Alice Teplyakova, doubted the "honesty" of the situation in relation to other students.
According to the student, Alice attends classes with her father and would hardly be able to cope with her studies without him. The young man said that in the classroom, the girl asks questions off-topic and does not fulfill the teacher's requests. He also suggested that Alice's father during her studies will "do all the main work on finding and" chewing "educational material," and Alice will only have to "absorb the ready-made information and pass exams."
The student stressed that in this case, the classmates of the child prodigy may have a question: "isn't Alice just an "appendage" of her father <...> and how honest is this situation with respect to other students?"
Only time will tell how much the management, the dean's office and the teachers of Moscow State University will take a responsible and objective position in relation to the Teplyakovs. It can be assumed that Moscow State University will irresponsibly play along with the prodigy's parents, since the education system in Russia has reached such a level that it no longer has the ability to make proactive decisions and blames everything on the parents. The pedagogical bureaucracy of the education system by its existence decides only
its own internal legal problems related to the commercialization of education. And in these pragmatic conditions, there is less and less room for creative and authorial approaches. I admit that many university teachers are aware of this, but they do not reduce their level of creative and authorial approaches towards students. Therefore, I hope that soon
the progressive teachers of Moscow State University will declare themselves and express their objective opinion about the education system and what is really happening around the Teplyakovs.
I have already noted above that in addition to the subject-scientific intelligence of the child, there is a so-called social intelligence. This is his ability to feel other people, experiences, emotions. Based on this, it can be effective when communicating in society. So, if a child at the age of 9 will study together with students, then, of course, this is problematic. The child's social intelligence is still very low and is inferior to youth and youth.
Alice Teplyakova diagnosed the school education system, because she was able to bypass it by cramming or, roughly speaking, training. Therefore, despite the fact that, according to her father, the training takes place exclusively in the format of a game without a rigid framework, the knowledge gained cannot be called mature. I believe that Alice Teplyakova's dad is able to convince and defend his point of view , influencing the weaknesses of our education system. Therefore, without noticing it, he turned out to be useful for an objective assessment of our education system. I think that the case of Alice Teplyakova and other prodigies will affect the transformation of our education system.
Teachers know that there is such knowledge that is expressed simply in words, signs. But there is also knowledge at the level of persuasion, knowledge that is tested in the process of being able to solve practical problems in life. After all, there is also creativity. I am sure that this is probably a problem not only for the child prodigy Alice, but also for the multi-million army of Russian students.
The story of Alice Teplyakova diagnosed not only the education system, but also ambitious parents. By such upbringing, parents express an inferiority complex. If a child shows talent in his studies, of course, he should be encouraged and periodically raise the bar, but at the same time it is necessary to maintain a balance between classes and social life. It is very simple to achieve such harmony: you need to love the child and not use it in solving your psychological problems.
In the meantime, what do we see?
Child prodigy Alice Teplyakova herself diagnosed the education system and her ambitious father. And I want to believe that later, when she learns psychology at the psych faculty of Moscow State University, she will be able to objectively assess herself, her personal and emotional-volitional development. But this takes time and no acceleration will help in this.
Geeks have exposed the education system and something needs to be done about it!

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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