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A monologue that kills the dialogue.

A monologue that kills the dialogue.
Even the conflict under discussion is already arousing interest. There are a lot of personalities in it. Or do you think that this is just a radio play staged to attract the interests of listeners? It is unlikely that this is so! Compare the artificial and scripted conflicts formed by the fees of imaginary conflicting on the fed channels. This bullshit, really, has already got it!
And guests come to Echo of Moscow to support their rating and express themselves, and they should be tolerant of those who satisfy them in this, giving them the opportunity to reach the audience.
I remember how for several years I myself had my own author's project within the framework of the federal weekly "Arguments of the Week" and conducted psychoanalytic interviews with my famous guests. My authorship was that I expressed my feelings and thoughts outside the brackets during the interview. Otherwise, I would not have led this project at all. I wouldn't be interested in just asking questions. Of course, there were dissatisfied people. I remember how Alan Chumak and Mikhail Boyarsky threatened. In general, most famous people have shown tolerance for expressing my feelings about these people. The person who interviews and asks questions, being a creative person, should always have a degree of freedom that allows him to express himself. This is the main motive and value of the journalist, analyst and columnist himself.
And a person who was given the opportunity to express himself and his opinion, but she showed intolerance to expressing her opinion to someone who communicated with her, in my opinion, is a problematic person. Often this is an echo of vanity and you need to be able to hear it.
I objectively analyzed the entire dialogue between Illarionov and Venediktov and did not find anything on the part of Venediktov that would somehow hurt and belittle Illarionov's personality.
But on the part of Illarionov, I saw a moment in which, he allowed himself to express an expression to Venediktov, they say, express your opinion in your other radio program, but not when you communicate with me. Of course, the author of the project "Aces" on the Echo of Moscow would be unpleasant to hear this. Moreover, Venediktov is the editor-in-chief. And Venediktov's reaction was obvious.
The conflict of interests between the printed authors of Echo of Moscow and the editorial office itself is an eternal problematic topic. The refusal of the editorial board to publish is also the opinion of the editorial board and a normal author shows tolerance for this, or is looking for another place where he can publish.
The Venediktov-Illarionov conflict aroused the interest of listeners and readers of Echo of Moscow. This is the liveliness of the media, which has been lacking in the Russian media for so long.
The media should arouse interest not only in the topic, but also in individuals, their feelings and reflections, and, of course, their conflicts.
Of course, there are some people who are supposedly in a dialogue with someone on the air, but really give out their neurotic-nevzorovsky masterpieces, prepared in advance monologues, but this is a different creative project. It seems that Nevzorov, with his monologue brightness, eclipsed many of his colleagues so much that some of them began to imitate him. Alas! Not many people are capable of a long periodic monologue that would arouse the interest of listeners. Illarionov is boring and framing antagonism from journalists would not hurt him. But you can't interfere with Nevzorov. Well, unless it was possible to interrupt Zhvanetsky during his monologues. It's like death!
It is clear that many media outlets use the talents and abilities of their authors for free . And therefore, the author always has the right to refuse such use to the publication.
I am sure that Illarionov will soon appear on Echo of Moscow.
(See the video channel "Psychologist Ramil Garifullin"
Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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