Existom and nanopsychology: the problem of brain nanochip.

Existom and nanopsychology: the problem of brain nanochip.

Ramil Garifullin -   an associate professor at KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, author and founder of the theory of existom and nanopsychology.

I am sure that in the near future, human thoughts can be viewed on a monitor.

As a biophysicist and psychologist, I have been theoretically dealing with this problem since 2005. And it will be resolved not just with the development of embedded brain chips, but with the introduction of nanochips into the brain. I have many scientific publications published on this issue. It is unlikely that Musk's campaign came close to nanochip. But I noticed with what interest Western scientific journals are interested in my theoretical developments.

Modern science, mainly based on my theoretical developments published in scientific journals and presented at several scientific congresses, says that all these fantastic projects can be realized only thanks to the development of the new science of nanopsychology, the tasks and problems of which were formulated by me back in 2006.

Nanopsychology explores the correlation or connection between controlled molecular processes of the brain and their corresponding mental processes in real time, that is, without delay. In fact, this is the process of controlling the brain by the operator through influencing molecular processes, thanks to controlled nanochips embedded in the brain. This is made possible by the introduction of externally controlled artificial nanoparticles into the brain. The introduction of controlled nanoparticles into the brain in order to control and activate molecular machines, specialized neurons or specialized groups of neurons responsible for holistic perception or mental mental processes in it may become promising for restoring lost mental functions. Therefore, nanopsychology, as a new science, has many prospects.

I came to psychology from biophysics. He studied the mechanisms of memory plasticity processes caused by the self-assembly of conformational structures of brain proteins and more complex molecular machines of the brain. I have shown that it is much more productive to consider the cognitom processes of the brain at the level of networks of molecular machines and molecular systems, rather than at the level of neural networks. It is best to develop this area thanks to the nanopsychological approach developed by me.

There is a gap of meaning between reality and consciousness. And the gap between the structures of the brain and the subjective world of man is also a gap of meaning. And these meanings need to be deeply explored both at the level of the brain, that is, at the level of existoms, and at the level of the subjective human world. The concept of the existent was introduced by me when developing the theory of the existome of the brain.

The most primary physical "genome" of matter is a system of elementary particles. Then comes the chemical "genome" - the elementary Mendeleev system with its own system of chemical elements. Biochemistry also has its own biochemical "genomes" And, finally, there is a real biological genome – an elementary genetic system. The biological genome is stored grouped in a DNA strand located in the cell nucleus.

DNA is the main molecule of the body, in fact it is a kind of book that is read by specialized molecular machines and macromolecules. As a result, the translation of the read is performed, thanks to which protein synthesis occurs. As a result, various types of protein are synthesized, forming various biological structures, and mainly the brain, neurons and neural networks.

Similarly to the biological genome, there is a certain proto-psychic genome as a kind of "bank" of bioinformation, from the elements of which our subjective mental world arises. This is the existom, which consists of existoms as key elements. An existom is not a virtual substance. It is as real as the biological genome. It is a product of the brain's hypernetwork (networks of neurons and networks of molecular machines.

It is from this set of key semantic structures - existoms, that a gigantic variety of secondary meanings is generated, on the basis of which the subjective and emerging world of man, his emerging consciousness, develops.

My research has shown that the result of our cognitom experience is always, in the end, some kind of final compression or convolution of experience into the form of some kind of brain structure. It is the objective basis of meaning, as a component of the semantic structure of a person. It is not cognitom experience as such that is fixed due to the plasticity of the brain, but only such an experience that has matured to the ability to collapse into the form of a key meaning - an existential, which subsequently becomes one of the components of the existome, as a set of various existoms. Not every cognitom experience becomes the content of an existome, but only one that matures to the level of an existome, that is, to the ability to convolution.

It is thanks to the key meanings that there are corresponding key codes and information that can fundamentally change mental processes, cause transformations of the psyche. In essence, an existent is a set of key existents, on the basis of which the phenomenon of the essence of a person and personality takes place.

It is thanks to the hypernetwork structure of the existome that the emergence of neoplasms in the human mental content becomes possible, since the existome contains existential operators of variability. Thanks to the existential operators of variability, the psychic world is changing in a changing world. The study of the mechanisms of activity of the existential operators of variability will make it possible in the future to predict the transformation of mental content in time, that is, the contents of the subjective human world. All these possibilities were missing in previous theories and concepts of the brain.

We know how various proteins are formed from the genome, but we do not know how some mental content arises from the brain. Specific experimentally confirmed cognitom mechanisms have not yet followed from previous theories. So far, at best, this is a hypothetical theory. Moreover, according to recent studies, it is believed that the hypernetwork structure of the brain grows all the time as a person develops, just as Hegel's "bad spiral", which once received worthy philosophical criticism, grew. The cognitome hypernet can't grow indefinitely!

It is incorrect to say that in our brain there is a certain "Babylonian library" of Borges, where all the past and future knowledge and creations of mankind, as well as meaningless contents, are stored.

There is not enough brain, even despite the gigantic universal number of neurons and their connections that form the so-called brain connectome. The brain does not store all the meaningless combinations of information and signs. He deals with the convolution and compression of everything to existoms and meanings.

This bridge between the brain and the subjective world of man will be built on the basis of intermediate matter as a result of the synthesis of existoms of the brain and semantic structures of the subjective world of man. It is the existom with its specialized hypernetwork and unique system of molecular machines and neurons, as well as the functional system of neurons, that is the neurobiological and molecular machine basis for the phenomenon of secondary reflection of primary reflected information - the phenomenon of reflection, through which conscious beings arise, having their subjective and semantic relationship not only to the world, but also to themselves. This is no less relevant compared to the knowledge of our unique genome. In essence, I have created an existential hypernetwork molecular machine model of the emergence of a person's semantic attitude not only to what is outside of him, but also to himself. On the one hand, the study of existoms will come infinitely close to our meanings, and on the other hand, our meanings will come close to existoms. And at the point of singularity, they will converge. This will be the bridge between our subjective world and the brain.

Our Self is our unique existom!

And controlled nanochips will someday learn how to correct our existom.


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12. Garifullin R.R. I and proto-I. Philosophical and psychological foundations of reflection. Monograph. — Kazan: IPK "Brig", 2019.: https://psyfactor.org/lib/garifullin-i-and-proto-i.htm

Ramil Garifullin, Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences

existom nanochips nanopsychology
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