The existom and selectivity of the brain. Primary and secondary intentions.

The existom and selectivity of the brain. Primary and secondary intentions.

Ramil Garifullin is an associate professor at KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, author and founder of the theory of existom and nanopsychology.

My analysis showed that the limitation of hypernetwork cognition theory is related to neural network and hypernetwork reductionism.  Hypernetwork is a product of neural networks and it cannot generate subjective reality, in particular, emergence and qualifications. Therefore, no matter what mathematical approaches are applied, there is already an initial cognitive hypernetwork limitation. This restriction will not allow the generation of qualifiers. This limitation is removed within the framework of the holonomic theory of the existome that I have developed, as a set of brain structures of existences - holonomic structures interacting with intentional wave flows radiated by the intention so that standing waves - virtuons are formed. These virtuons are the basis for the emergence of semantic formations and other contents of subjective reality. The hierarchical multilayering of existences irradiated by intention allows us to generate semantic and mental formations of various levels of complexity. (see the theory of the existome as a theory of brain generation of subjective reality: ) There are primary and secondary intentional processes. Primary intentions set the canvas for the functioning of the intention, which irradiates existes and existes with its intentional wave flows. As a result, standing waves of virtuones are formed as the field bases of semantic and mental formations of various levels of complexity. Secondary intentions are formed as a reaction of brain structures to the appearance of virtuones.  In essence, secondary intentions are formed as a reaction to semantic and mental formations. All those interested in the theory of the existome as a theory of generating subjective reality, I invite you to view my 180 video presentations on my playlist "Cognition and existence : the brain and the subjective world, connection and validity, methodology, nanopsychology"| R. R. Garifullin : https://youtube .com/playlist?list=PLysfHhfkukULa41nz16Xg9EqJY8qXqzi1&si=aZr14jtWUbDRnylQ Based on these videos of mine, a scientific monograph has already been formed, which is being prepared for publication. In addition, many of my scientific articles on this topic have been published on the largest information technology website In my research, I do not elevate thinking, it is secondary, it is a flow in the canvas of intention. Therefore, the question of the stimulus of thinking disappears. Intention has an incentive - it is the survival of a living system. The intention works filigreously, forming virtuones of different levels, which become the basis of qualifications, concepts and meanings of different levels! It's amazing! Thinking is a "grass" growing on the "land" of intentions and experiences. Even Pavlov disparaged thinking. It is not necessary to magnify him!  The results of thinking are simple. And it is not worth glorifying thinking for its routine intermediate stages.  And nature is simple and harmonious. I have previously written several articles on the mechanisms and programs of selective interaction of various systems (including the brain and the mental system), making conceptualizations of Brentano and Husserl, who, in turn, did not do this, but only as observers revealed intentions. In Soviet psychology, these ideas were borrowed by Uznadze in the theory of installation, who also did not consider the mechanisms of installation. The origins of the mechanisms of selectivity of biosystems and psychosystems lie in the hierarchy of selectivity, starting with molecular automata synthesized by nature for the environment, and ending with higher functional and psychophysiological systems. Take a look at the molecular automata! Take a look at how this hierarchy is built at all levels (physical, chemical, biological, physiological, psychophysiological level). In the brain, the apparatus of selectivity (mechanisms of intention), according to the theory of the existome, is formed thanks to the programs of neural networks and the near-neural network space (glia). These structures are the basis for the software of the activity of the intention. The iteration itself is the highest phase of the mechanisms of this selectivity. The lowest phase of this selectivity is contained in hierarchical structures that are located in the hierarchy below the intention. In any case, the filigree of the activity of these brain mechanisms lies in the hierarchy of bioautomats and neuroautomats of various levels. A person is not only biologically rooted in the environment in which he survives, but also mentally rooted. This is the conceptual basis of the selectivity mesanisms of various levels of complexity in living systems. Listen to our language and concepts (Heidegger). They are rooted with the environment. And this is provided by the hierarchy of the most complex automata. Begin the study of the mechanisms of selectivity of matter by studying molecules that interact deterministically and selectively with other molecules, due to given chemical structures. Then move up the hierarchy. In the course of my research, I managed to explore this hierarchy so much that I came to the conclusion that there is a higher mechanism for generating subjective reality - to the existential, that is, to automatic mechanisms of semantic selectivity and the emergence of higher-level qualifications. He showed that the theory of cognition, due to neural network reductionism, even when expanding to hyper networks, conceptually and immanently will not be able to generate subjective reality. The theory of cognition within the framework of my theory of the existome is at best the software of the activity of the intention, which is a key element for the existome.  I justify going beyond neural network reductionism into other qualitative biophysical mechanisms related to the mechanisms of holonomy and wave processes and other non-neural network mechanisms.  Based only on the unbridled proliferation of hypernetwork and neural network transactions is a dead end!  It is necessary to go to other cognitive mechanisms of matter and information.

Ramil Garifullin is an associate professor at KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, author and founder of the theory of existom and nanopsychology.

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