T536 - The Edge of Forever - Making Computer History by Jason Scott from TextFiles.com
T539 - Internet Wars 2007 (Panel Discussion)
T503 - Anti Spyware Coalition (Panel Discussion)
T504 - Disclosure Panel (Panel Discussion)
T505 - Dirty Secrets of the Security Industry by Bruce Potter
T506 - Self Publishing in the Underground by Myles Long, Rob "Flack" O'Hara and Christian "RaD Man" Wirth
T107 - Tactical Exploitation by H.D.Moore & Valsmith
T166 - Biting the Hand that Feeds You - Storing and Serving Malicious Content From Well Known Web Servers by Billy Rios & Nathan McFeters
T109 - Fingerprinting and Cracking Java Obfuscated Code by Subere
T111 - Meet the Feds (Panel Discussion)
T112 - No-Tech Hacking by Johnny Long
T131 - The SOA/XML Threat Model and New XML/SOA/Web 2.0 Attacks & Threats by Steve Orrin
T137 - Creating Unreliable Systems - Attacking the Systems that Attack You by Sysmin & Marklar
T140 - The Emperor Has No Cloak - Web Cloaking Exposed by Vivek Ramachandran
T161 - HoneyJax (aka Web Security Monitoring and Intelligence 2.0) by Dan Hubbard
T162 - Hacking Social Lives: MySpace.com by Rick Deacon
T163 - The Inherent Insecurity of Widgets and Gadgets by Aviv Raff & Iftach Ian Amit
T164 - Greater Than 1 - Defeating "Strong" Authentication in Web Applications (for Online Banking) by Brendan O'Connor.
T207 - It's All About the Timing by Haroon Meer & Marco Slaviero
T201 - Church Of WiFi's Wireless Extravaganza by Church of WiFi's
T202 - SQL Injection and Out-of-Band Channeling by Patrik Karlsson
T206 - Virtual World, Real Hacking by Greg Hoglund
T212 - Trojans - A Reality Check by Toralv Dirro & Dirk Kollberg
T232 - Malware Secrets by Valsmith & Delchi
T234 - Click Fraud Detection with Practical Memetrics by Broward Horne
T235 - Fighting Malware on your Own by Vitaliy Kamlyuk
T238 - Webserver Botnets by Gadi Evron
T239 - The Commercial Malware Industry by Peter Gutmann
T240 - CaffeineMonkey - Automated Collection, Detection and Analysis of Malicious JavaScript by Daniel Peck & Ben Feinstein
T301 - Analysing Intrusions & Intruders by Sean Bodmer
T304 - Re-Animating Drives and Advanced Data Recovery by Scott Moulton
T307 - When Tapes Go Missing by Robert Stoudt
T309 - Hacking UFOlogy - Thirty Years in the Wilderness of Mirrors by Richard Thieme
T312 - The Executable Image Exploit by Michael Schrenk
T337 - Hacking your Access Control Reader by Zac Franken
T338 - Security by Politics - Why it Will Never Work by Lukas Grunwald
T361 - Hacking the EULA - Reverse Benchmarking Web Application Security Scanners by Tom Stracener & Marce Luck
T362 - Network Mathematics - Why is it a Small World? by Oskar Sandberg
T363 - Beyond Vulnerability Scanning - Extrusion and Exploitability Scanning by Matt Richard
T401 - Disclosure and Intellectual Property Law - Case Studies by Jennifer Granick
T402 - Computer and Internet Security Law - A Year in Review 2006-2007 by Robert Clark
T404 - Everything you ever wanted to know about Police Procedure in 50 minutes by Steve Dunker
T431 - The Market for Malware by Thomas Holt
T433 - Routing in the Dark - Pitch Black by Nathan Evans & Christian Grothoff
T435 - Social Attacks on Anonymity Networks by Nick Mathewson
T438 - Saving the Internet With Hate by Zed Shaw
T441- Portable Privacy by Steve Topletz
T101 - Making of the DEFCON 15 Badges by Joe Grand
T102 - Q&A with Bruce by Bruce Schneier
T103 - Turn-Key Pen Test Labs by Thomas Wilhelm
T104 - How I Learned to Stop Fuzzing and Find More Bugs by Jacob west
T105 - Convert Debugging - Circumventing Software Armoring Techniques by Danny Quist & Valsmith
T106 - Functional Fuzzing with Funk by Benjamin Kurtz
T108 - Intelligent Debugging for vuln-dev by Damien Gomez
T110 - Comparing Application Security Tools by Edward Lee
T133 - Pen-testing Wi-Fi by Aaron Peterson
T134 - Hacking EVDO by King Tuna
T135 - Multipot - A More Potent Variant of Evil Twin by K.N.Gopinath
T136 - The Next Wireless Frontier - TV White Spaces by Doug Mohney
T138 - GeoLocation of Wireless Access Points and "Wireless GeoCaching" by Ricky Hill
T139 - Being in the Know... Listening to and Understanding Modern Radio Systems by Brett Neilson
T141 - Hardware Hacking for Software Geeks by nosequitor & Ab3nd
T142 - The Church of WiFi Presents: Hacking Iraq by Michael Schearer
T165 - Intranet Invasion With Anti-DNS Pinning by David Byrne
T203 Z-Phone by Phillip Zimmermann
T204 OpenBSD Remote Exploit and Another IPv6 Vulnerabilities by Alfredo Ortega
T205 MQ Jumping by Martyn Ruks
T208 Revolutionizing the Field of Grey-box Attack Surface Testing with Evolutionary Fuzzing by Jared DeMott, Dr. Richard Enbody & Dr. Bill Punch
T209 How Smart is Intelligent Fuzzing - or - How Stupid is Dumb Fuzzing? by Charlie Miller
T210 INTERSTATE: A Stateful Protocol Fuzzer for SIP by Ian G. Harris
T211 One Token to Rule Them All by Luke Jennings
T231 Multiplatform Malware Within the .NET-Framework by Paul Ziegler
T233 44 Lines About 22 Things That Keep Me Up at Night by Agent X
T236 Virtualization: Enough Holes to Work Vegas by D.J.Capelis
T237 Homeless Vikings , (Short-Lived bgp Prefix Hijacking and the Spamwars) by Dave Josephsen
T241 Greetz from Room 101 by Kenneth Geers
T242 Estonia and Information Warfare by Gadi Evron
T261 The Completion Backward Principle by geoffrey
T262 Boomstick Fu: The Fundamentals of Physical Security at its Most Basic Level by Deviant Ollam, Noid, Thorn, Jur1st
T263 Locksport: An Emerging Subculture by Schuyler Towne
T264 Satellite Imagery Analysis by Greg Conti
T265 High Insecurity: Locks, Lies, and Liability by Marc Weber Tobias & Matt Fiddler
T302 Aliens Cloned My Sheep by Major Malfunction
T303 Breaking Forensics Software by Chris Palmer & Alex Stamos
T305 Cool Stuff Learned from Competing in the DC3 Digital Forensic Challenge by David C. Smith
T306 Windows Vista Log Forensics by Rich Murphey
T308 CiscoGate by The Dark Tangent
T311 Hack Your Car for Boost and Power!by Aaron Higbee
T331 A Crazy Toaster : Can Home Devices Turn Against Us? by Dror Shalev
T332 IPv6 is Bad for Your Privacy by Janne Lindqvist
T333 Injecting RDS-TMC Traffic Information Signals a.k.a. How to freak out your Satellite Navigation by Andrea Barisani
T335 Unraveling SCADA Protocols : Using Sulley Fuzzer by Ganesh Devarajan
T336 Hacking the Extensible Firmware Interfac e by John Heasman
T339 Kernel Wars by Joel Eriksson, Karl Janmar, Claes Nyberg, Christer Öberg
T340 (un)Smashing the Stack : Overflows, Counter-Measures, and the Real World by Shawn Moyer
T341 Remedial Heap Overflows : dlmalloc styl by atlas
T342 Thinking Outside the Console (box) by Squidly1
T364 LAN Protocol Attacks Part 1 - Arp Reloaded by Jesse D’Aguanno
T365 Entropy-Based Data Organization Tricks for Log and Packet Capture Browsing by Sergey Bratus
T366 Securing Linux Applications With AppArmor by Crispin Cowan
T403 Picking up the Zero Day ; An Everyones Guide to Unexpected Disclosures by Dead Addict
T405 Bridging the Gap Between Technology and the Law by John Benson
T406 Protecting Your IT Infrastructure From Legal Attacks - Subpoenas, Warrants and Transitive Trust by Alexander Muentz
T407 Digital Rights Worldwide : Or How to Build a Global Hacker Conspiracy by Danny O’Brien
T408 A Journalist’s Perspective on Security Research by Peter Berghammer
T409 Teaching Hacking at College by Sam Bowne
T410 Faster PwninG Assured : New adventures with FPGAs by David Hulton
T411 Ask the EFF (Panel Discussion)
T434 Technical Changes Since You Last Heard About Tor by Nick Mathewson
T436 Tor and Blocking - Resistance by Roger Dingledine
T439 Securing the Tor Network by Mike Perry
T442 Real-time Steganography with RTP by |)ruid
T501 Vulnerabilities and The Information Assurance Directorate by Tony Sager
T502 Meet The VCs (Panel Discussion)
T507 The Hacker Society Around the (Corporate) World by Luiz Eduardo
T508 Creating and Managing Your Security Career by Mike Murray & Lee Kushner
T509 kNAC! by Ofir Arkin
T531 Hack Your Brain with Video Games by Ne0nRa1n & Joe Grant
T532 How to be a WiFi Ninja by Pilgrim
T534 The Science of Social Engineering : NLP, Hypnosis and the Science of Persuasion by Mike Murray & Anton Chuvakin
T535 Black Ops 2007 : Design Reviewing The Web by Dan Kaminsky
T538 Stealing Identity Management Systems by Plet