Вчера, в день национальной трагедии в США, хакерская группа Trippin Smurfs взломала сразу девять Web серверов NASA с напыщенной речью о вероятной войне в Ираке.
http://urbino.jpl.nasa.gov http://como.jpl.nasa.gov http://borgo.jpl.nasa.gov http://sondrio.jpl.nasa.gov http://roma.jpl.nasa.gov http://pisa.jpl.nasa.gov http://palermo.jpl.nasa.gov http://arezzo.jpl.nasa.gov http://maggiore.jpl.nasa.govА вот текст, который был опубликован на сайтах:
I noticed that an war with Iraq is iminent.. and i wonder why?!" There are a lot of things i can say about this subject but i believe no one will try to do something about this! I saw these days a lot of news about this .. and it seems that it is going to be a war.. again and again! When is this going to stop? Why does U.S attack Iraq? Maybe because they have i dont know what kind of weapons (chimical,atomic.. and others) but doesnt other countries have that too lets say U.S.A! They have a lot of this and no one is attacking them! there are other countries that have this kind of weapons and no one gives a shit on this!! But when a smaller country tries to improve their technology they aren`t allowd! So let me get this : U.S.A (and also some countries from E.U.) tries to stop them.. and i wonder why ? They want to be the best .. well believe me .. i read a lot of articles about what happend in Afghanistan in this Iraq war will be the same! But where is Bin Laden? Is he dead .. or Fbi,CIA couldn`t get him.. at least finish that war .. dont start an other .. a lot of people is going to die! And all this for nothing .. or maybe U.S tries to prove how good are they .. that they have the finest technology.. !! I just want to remember the U.S Senate about 11 september 2001! A lot of people died there but i believe this is an result of what U.S.A did in ASia.. And in my opinion this kind of attacks will always "disturb" U.S.A! I heard that CIA is involved in those attacks so they had do find some one guilty for the attacks at WTC.. I guess this is all .. if anyone gives a shit .. why didnt U.S.A tried to resolv this problem without a war?? As a friend of mine said : U.S.A is a Non-Win situation: if they dont do anything about Iraq then the other countries will say they are weak and can`t to anything about this! , but if they start this war then people aren`t agree with it! I dont have any greetz to add .. just to tell the "scriptkiddies" that they dont have no clue about hacking. Also to this admin that owns this network.. try to read more about security .. or at least leave others do that.. u dont know anything about it! # Social engineering rulez..
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