Вышел 61 номер журнала PHRACK MAGAZINE

Вышел 61 номер журнала PHRACK MAGAZINE

В новом номере 15 статей, в том числе Advanced Doug Lea's malloc exploits (.txt) jp, Hijacking Linux Page Fault Handler (.txt) buffer, The Cerberus ELF interface (.txt) mayhem, Polymorphic Shellcode Engine (.txt) CLET team, Infecting Loadable Kernel Modules (.txt) truff, Building IA32 'Unicode-Proof' Shellcodes (.txt) obscou, Fun with the Spanning Tree Protocol (.txt) Vladislav V. Myasnyankin Oleg K. Artemjev, Hacking the Linux Kernel Network Stack (.txt) bioforge, Kernel Rootkit Experiences & the Future (.txt) stealth.

Вышел 61 номер журнала PHRACK MAGAZINE Содержание нового номера:
  1 Introduction (.txt) Phrack Staff 
  2 Loopback (.txt) Phrack Staff 
  3 Linenoise (.txt) Phrack Staff 
  4 Toolz Armory (.txt) Phrack Staff 
  5 Phrack Prophile on digit (.txt) Phrack Staff 
  6 Advanced Doug Lea's malloc exploits (.txt) jp 
  7 Hijacking Linux Page Fault Handler (.txt) buffer 
  8 The Cerberus ELF interface (.txt) mayhem 
  9 Polymorphic Shellcode Engine (.txt) CLET team 
  10 Infecting Loadable Kernel Modules (.txt) truff 
  11 Building IA32 'Unicode-Proof' Shellcodes (.txt) obscou 
  12 Fun with the Spanning Tree Protocol (.txt) Vladislav V. Myasnyankin 
  Oleg K. Artemjev 
  13 Hacking the Linux Kernel Network Stack (.txt) bioforge 
  14 Kernel Rootkit Experiences & the Future (.txt) stealth 
  15 Phrack World News (.txt) Phrack Staff

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