Security Lab

IRC Server Log

IRC Server Log
* franz ( ) has joined #darknet
<franz> yoooooooo
<Servie> tight host
<stuff_> why
<stuff_> because it has 'cisco' in it?
<Servie> yep
<Servie> only thats why
<franz> did you know the IOS source is huge
* Michelan ( user@shark.DMS.CWRU.Edu ) Quit
<felix> only about 600MB
<felix> heh
<harq> h0h0
<franz> more like 1 gig
<franz> depends on the version
<felix> oh
<felix> i had 12.0 source
<felix> 12.3 is probably much better
<felix> er
<felix> bigger
<franz> 12.3, 12.3t, 13t and 15t together is ~800mb when bzipped
<franz> didnt take that long to STEAL
<franz> HOHOHO
<franz> go franz, go franz!
<maher_> heheh you can gimme that
<harq> hacker
<felix> 15t?
<franz> yes
<felix> 12.3(15)T?
<franz> yes
* franz ( ) has joined #darknet
<franz> there you go dvdman
<franz> i hope it gives you a boner
<RangerJah> :P
<franz> thats just a bit from 12.3

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